Current Total:
$387,176Frequently Asked Questions
- What is VHCDC?
- What is a Community Development Corporation?
- What can VHCDC do for my business?
- What can VHCDC do for me?
- Who supports VHCDC?
- How can I access VHCDC's programs and services?
- How can I receive information about VHCDC activities and events?
- How do I find local services and programs?
- How can I promote my company or organization through VHCDC dot org?
- Does VHCDC charge a fee for its services?
- Can I submit an event to the Community Calendar?
- Can I add my company to the Service Provider Directory?
- I have a question that isn't on this list. Now what?
VHCDC (Virginia Housing and Community Development Corporation) is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt community development corporation. See About Us for more information.
Back to topCommunity Development Corporation (CDC) is a broad term referring to not-for-profit organizations incorporated to focus on serving lower-income residents, disadvantaged small businesses, and struggling neighborhoods. They can be involved in a variety of activities, including economic development, education, finance, and real estate development. These organizations are typically associated with the development of affordable housing.
Back to topVHCDC operates several programs to assist small, disadvantaged businesses, including those owned and operated by minorities, women, disabled-veterans, and ex-offenders. Our relationship with myriad lenders and investors enables us to facilitate funding for business loans, cash advances, equipment financing, and venture capital. And our other alliances enable us help your business with accounting, bookkeeping, insurance, payroll, and tax matters. We can help your business cut costs, and possibly increase revenues too. Contact us.and let us know how we can help you grow your business!
Back to topThat depends. What do you need? Are you in need of assistance with housing, finances, or a business venture? Contact us and let us know.
Back to topVHCDC and its programs are made possible due to the generous support of our partners and from contributions from individuals like you.
Back to topVHCDC (dot org) is designed to connect you with all of our programs and services. Use the menu above or click here to access our programs.
Back to topRegister and create your personal profile, then subscribe to receive our email alerts. Just select the type of activities you would like to know about and we'll keep your posted on what's happening in your area(s) of interest.
Back to topOur Community Resources Directory provides a comprehensive database of non-profit, community service organizations. The Directory is searchable by category, name, and location. You should also see our Resources Directory for additional sources of assistance.
Back to topVHCDC is continually forming partnerships and collaborating with government agencies, companies/corporations, and organizations across our region. Please contact us if your organization is interested in exploring partnership opportunities. Click here to advertise on VHCDC dot org or any of our Internet properties.
Back to topMost of our programs and services are provided Free of charge. However, VHCDC does assess a nominal fee for certain programs and events. Visit Our Programs for more information.
Back to topYes, if you are an authorized representative of a church, government agency, or non-profit organization. Register and create your personal profile, then register your government agency, church, or non-profit organization. If approved, you can submit your events to the Community Calendar FREE of charge.
Back to topYes, if you are an authorized representative of a company that provides professional services to condo and home-owners, renters, association boards, community managers, and property management companies. You may submit your company for inclusion in our Service Provider Directory. To add your company, register and create your personal profile, then register your company. If approved, your company will be listed in the directory FREE of charge.
Back to topWe'll try to help. Just Contact Us for online assistance.
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